Locally Owned Operated in Evansville and Petersburg, IN - Serving Southwest Indiana
EVANSVILLE: (812) 909-8628
Email: mark@getreeservice.com
No, all estimates are free of charge- call our office and we can arrange to have an estimator meet you at your property, or he can leave an estimate for you if you can’t be home.
1 to 3 days. We can be there within hours if it is an emergency, and can leave an estimate for you within 1 day if you don’t have to meet the estimator. However, we are glad to call to set up an appointment to meet you at your home or place of business at your convenience.
We guarantee our price for 60 days, unless a different term is specified in writing by the estimator.
During our busy season starting in mid-April and continuing through October, it takes approximately 2 weeks from the time you approve your work and completion of the job. In the winter months our work slows down so we can complete a job within 1 week. Our prices go down in the winter as well- so it’s a great time to have tree work done!
Our terms are “Payment in full due upon completion”. Once the job is finished, the foreman will present you with the invoice. You can pay the foreman directly with a check or cash. If you would like to pay using a credit card, you will be instructed to call the office. We accept all major credit cards. If you can’t be home when the work is done, the foreman will leave an invoice in your door. You may mail us a check or call to pay by credit card.
This is a very good question, and should be asked of every contractor you are thinking of hiring. While no license is required to do tree work in Indiana, certain cities require contractors to have a license. We are licensed in the City of Evansville, which is one of the few cities in Southern Indiana that require a license to do tree work. We are fully insured with general liability, vehicle insurance and Workers Compensation insurance. We will be happy to provide you with proof of insurance. Please always make sure to ask for proof of insurance before a contractor comes on your property to work. It is important to verify that the insurance is still in force and the certificate is valid for the time period.
We do not use spikes to climb trees that we are pruning. We will only use spikes if we are taking down the tree.
Yes, We recommend maintaining your tree with regular pruning and fertilizing to keep it strong and healthy. However, in some cases the use of pesticides are necessary, and we can offer a solution for your insect and disease issues.
Topping is no longer a recommended pruning method to cut a tree down in height. It is actually harmful to the health of the tree. Your estimator can discuss other methods of pruning to maintain a certain height, and to try to repair trees that have been damaged by topping.
There are different times to prune different trees, for example most flowering trees should be pruned after they bloom, and Maples can be pruned most times of the year. It is best to discuss pruning with the estimator, because every tree is unique in it’s placement on your property and it’s condition.
We recommend that you deep-root fertilize your trees every 1 to 2 years. However, analysis of the soil is necessary to what amounts of fertilizer should be used and how often.
Email: mark@getreeservice.com
Address: 1202 E Spruce St, Petersburg, Indiana 47567
Licensed | Insured
Office Hours:
Service and emergency calls answer 24 hours a day